Even If You're a Rock!
3oth April,2019 "No matter how hard life goes, Never ever step back, or lose hope. Because I have a firm believe that Failure is actually giving up easily. If you fail, and try again and again, that's not Failing, that's learning. you're still learning. Life is not a child's play that you will get through it easily. Life is a subject with numerous chapters, the initial chapters are easy and as you go further and further they get tougher and tougher. But in this subject it doesn't matter if you like a specific chapter or dislike it, you still have to learn a lesson from it." - My Dairy. 1st March,2020 I changed my decision! That doesn't mean I was wrong, I'm still on point. But I was applying that on a situation where it is not applicable anymore. I would have done this before but my stubborn heart and hopeful mind didn't let me do so. And you know why? Take an example of a rock, you pour water on it, nothing will hap...